Wednesday, December 31, 2008

.new year special edition..kek coklat.

okay..sume pnh mkn kek coklat kn?
sdp x?? mestilah sdp..lg2 kalo aku yg buat..haha..
spnjg cuti sem hr 2,tade pe nk evry week wt kek n cookies..
ad yg jdk comey,ade yg 'busuk'...haha..ada yg hangus..
tp tape..we learn from our mistake taw la..pae yg silap..ape yg kurang kt bhn2 kek n cookies 2..
so..aku da ltk gmbr one of kek yg aku buat..

so amcm?? nmpk sdp kn..mmg lah sdp..aku yg wat..haha
dgn coklat topping yg sgt..ummm..yummy...
kek 2 kek coklat besa tpi cm moist2 ckit..
kesian kt korng tgk kek x dpt rase..hehe
tape2..relax,sempena new year ni aku boh skali resepi nk wt kek ni..
kalo brani trylah wt sndri..=p

kek coklat


2 cwn gula halus
1 3/4 tepong gandum
3/4 cawan serbuk koko.
1 1/2 sudu teh baking powder(1/2 sudu kecik pon boley)
1 1/2 sudu teh baking soda(1/2 sudu kecik pon boley)
1 sudu teh garam
2 bijik telor
1 cawan fresh milk (kalo boley gne susu krimer marigold,tin warne biru)
1/2 cawan minyak jagung (myk msk pon boley)
2 sudu teh esen vanilla.
1 cawan air mendidih

Cara-cara :

1.panaskan 0ven 175deg c..
2.masukkan gula..tepong..koko..baking powder..baking soda..dan garam..kedalam mangkuk bancuhan dan kacau
3.masuk kan pula telur..susu..minyak..dan vanilla..
4.kacau hingga sebati menggunakan whisk
5.akhir sekali masuk kan air mendidih
6.adunan ini akan menjadi cair tetapi jgn risau
7.bakar 30-35minit @hingga masak.

topping coklat dari Jamie Oliver Recipe:

100gram cooking coklat.
100 gram gula icing
100 gram butter.
4 sudu besar fresh milk
cairkan sume bhn dgn cara double boil

pee/ass: double boil mksdnye msk coklat dlm bks n bks 2 ltk kt dlm bks yg ade air.pnskn air dlm bks ,da mendidih bru ltk bks yg lg kck dlm die.bks kck ni lah yg wt msk coklat .makesure air jgn byk2,nnti melimpah.mse nk msk coklat 2 pgg lah bks kck 2,t ssh nk kacau.

ok korng..hepy try n hepy new year 2009!! kalo da jdk ley bg kt aku ckit..haha..

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

.loves from both side.

Loves From Both Side

same like others guy, i do have a girl friend ...
my girl friend is the smartest among the other girls.
i wake up at 7 every morning to prepare breakfast for her.
I have to wake her up gently to avoid shock her from her sweet dream.
after she took her breakfast i have to make sure her safety on the way to work.
I have to praise her and show my love to her at the public.
the worst part is ... i have to chase the bus for 15 minutes to make sure she can still have me in sight.
then it is my time to prepare myself to work.
maybe you will started to say that my girl friend is extremely unreasonable and violence!!
But i dare to say that i a am not a timid and weak man. I am a 100% strong man.
I am the one who dare to kick and chase mad dog while walking on the street to avoid its bite others.
I am a truth guy ... except i am force not to stare at old women or young girl for more than 3 seconds.
I do not smoke and drink alcohol or even clubbing with friends.
i rate myself as a "modern fossil" - (extinct species)
why? why? Why i have such a companion???
Other girls are treating their boy friend like master and slave.
All my friends and fellows keep asking me this same question for more than a million times ...
I have no answer and might be i really lazy and bored to think about its.
"why you do not take out your socks??"
"yes...i am taking out my shoes..."
"No ...i want you to take out your socks ... why you loosen your shoes?
guess what ...
i had become the first guy in this world who manage to take out the socks with the my shoes wearing it.
Everytime before i have my meal, i have to report to her what i am going to have for my meal ...
I have to make sure my mobile phone is always on ...
so that she can call me anytime day or night ...
i have to let go my on hand job ...
just to assist her if she call me for any queries or help
i have to ready with pleasant smile and awesome expression while waiting for her to come back from workrain or shineat night ...
washing clothes and sweeping floor ...
i have to accompany and sit beside her to finish the bored/lousy story movie together
If she cry ... i have to yell
If she smile ... i have to laugh
i have to sing along soft and gently so that she can get it to dream peacefully
i have to love and care her every single moment everyday ...
I believe it is totally unacceptable by a normal person ... but ... to me i already used to it
Why have to prepared breakfast for her?
Because she want to realise how greatful a mother was ...
so that i can love my mum more and love the children's mum
why have to accompany her to bus stop and chase the bus every morning?
Because she is much much more eager to see me than i do
why have to fight with mad dog? Because she want me to be bravewhy cannot stare with other girls?
Because she can afford to lose me
why have to make me so miserable and difficulties?
Because for the rest of her life ... she is depending on my forgiveness and generous heart
why i have to report to her on what i going to eat?
Because she is far far more concern about my health
why she need me to be available anytime every moment?
Because she need me more than everything
why i have to give my best to assist her?
Because she just need my help
why have to be punctual to pick her up from work?
Because i am the first person she want to meet after work
why have to stay beside her when she cry or smile?
Because she want me to know her more
why have to pet her to sleep?
Because she are more afraid than me than i was not in her dreamwithout any reason and cause ... i will be there take care and love her forever and ever
Because love from both side ...
I have look at love at "love from both sides ... from give and take ... I hope my translation does made you all laugh and blur blur ...
pee/ass: got this from henry chiah blog.he is a photographer.
his photo are very superb lies.lg satu,citer ni act ade gmbr.
kalo nk tgk gmbr klik lah kt cni.. reading guys!


balek umah hr 2 aku blaja sumthing dr akak aku..
kalo nk beli kst,beli yg comfort jgn nk cntek je..
sbb kst2 die x cntek pon..tpi selesa..
so..aku pon fkr. slalu kalo aku beli kst msti tgk yg cntek2 jew,bile da saket kaki bru nk menyesal..
hr ni..ckp kt bf aku.."b2,nk beli kst..tade kst da..mak curi kst.."
pas2,g lah ECM..
msk nose..urm..tamolah..
msk bata..ade 2 plhn..nk mne 1 erk??
tapelah..g vincci jup..
ade 1 yg ske..tpi tade saiz pulak..
"jomlah b,g bata balek"
kuar vincci nmpk sale kt padini n seed..cuci mate jup..
urm..tade wet la..singgah mng,crk long cardi..tade plak yg wrne itan..
tapelah g beli kst je..huhu..sedey sungguh..
ni lah keadaan kalo wet pt x msok g..sengkek..
t'kedek2 lah kami ke bata semula..
da try dedua kst,ok...ske yg wrne htm..
b tnye.."selesa x?".."selesa2!"..
walaupon x cntek mne..tpi selesa ok..bata comfit..kalo x selesa..aku saman ceo die..haha
da siap byr..lpr la pulak..jomlah balek..
ok..hbs citer psl kst..hehe

ni ade ckit tip2 nk pilih kst..sila ambil perhatian ye kwn2..hehe

Tips Memilih Kasut Yang Sesuai Dengan kaki Anda

- Pilih kasut y memiliki tmit rndah (1 inci ke bwh)n bertmit lbar.
- Pastikan saiz anda krana kki mnjadi pnjng n lbar seiring usia.
- Jgn brgantung pda saiz ksut shj krana saiz ksut berbeza2 utk stiap pngeluar.
- Bandingkan klebaran ksut dgn klebaran kaki. Elakkn ksut y mnyeksakan kki anda wlaupn anda sgt mnyukainya.
- Cuba kasut pda kdua2 belah kaki. Ini pnting krana kbanyakan org mmiliki kaki y besar sblah. - Anda dnasihatkn brtanya ttg polisi mmulangkan brangan krana mngkin slepas sehari anda dapati kasut itu xsesuai utk kki anda.
- Ketahui materialnya. Pastikan material itu mmbenarkan kki anda 'bernafas' sperti klit. Kaki jga perlu mndapat prhatian y sma sperti anggota bdn y lain jga.
- Jika mmbeli ksut skan, Pastikan ia x tlalu brat dan ktat selain mmpunyai sistem ampuan kki y stabil.
- Definisi ksut y selesa adalah ksut y dperbuat dgn cermat n kmas. Tumit xterlalu tggi n mampu mnampung kaki dgn stabil.
- Elakkan mmbeli ksut y berjenama @ hrga, sbaliknya plih ksut berdsarkan ksesuaiannya pda kki anda.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

.counting days.

urm...what a title..act..sje je..menghitung hari nk balek UMP..haha
so sory guyz..lme giler x update..
so..ats permintaan kak jah..t'update lah blog ni...

tanak citer byk..
skrg sehat..gumbira...bertambah brt bdn.
kerana...berada di rumah adalah satu tempoh yg akan menaikkan brt bdn anda!! haha..
its true kn??.. 2..g lepak ngn dak2 ni kt klcc..waaa....sonok2..
bkn sje2 nk sonok..tpi mmg da lme giler x jumpe dorng...wndu giler!! huhu..
yelah..awa..da dkt 2 taun lebey kot x jumpe..ketot 1 taun lebey je kot..n tirah..the foreigner..hehe..jk!
act..die balek cuti..die study kt aus..alang2 die balek m'sia..g la jumpe die skali..
thax 4 da cute "kuala" bear trah! hehe..
nk bg nsht ckit kt trah.. "trah,awat lah dok aus maken berisi bdn ko oi...sila jage pemakanan dan berat bdn anda ok!"..

urm..ape g..ok2..pas2..g tmn my mr. x-men(mujahid lah) g knduri kawen mmber plkn die..
then..g jln2 kt lowyat..die beli brg komputer die..
g times..then balek umah...pnt2..tpi sonok kuase sejuta..haha..sbb dpt jmpe mujahid ku!! haha

lg 1!! x sbr nk taw result..g kat e-comm..tinggal hub. etnik je tade result..
tpi,mntak2 lah daddy bg mengharap ok..
so far..subjek yg paleng kck ati..oop ngn sedey..kalo dpt up ckit musti da dpt dean list..huhu..sedeyh2..tape2..tade rezeki..nk wt cne..
subjek len ok la..puas lah hati...hehe

urm..wt mse ni..tade gambar2 yg available..tpi akan di usahakn..sbr eyh..
nampaknye..2 je lah kot..thousand word in 1 post..hehe..(sbb mls nk update act..kih2)

Monday, October 6, 2008

eid mubarak...minal aidil wal fa izin...

hehe..syawal da msok hari tape...leyh g nk wish slmt hari raya kt korng sume!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

roomy weekend trip

besh2...weekend hari tuh g ganu..hehe..waaaa...stiap negeri ade unik yg t'sendiri..ganu is totally differnt wif johor lah..heh..johor comel ckit...ganu bsr...haha..
ktorgn tdo umah lida..pastu sb2 2 kuar g psr payang..sgt bsr,sgt pns n sgt byk brg..brg2 seperti..tudung,bju sutera...kopok,serunding pon ade...act,prnh g,tpi time kcik2 lu..da lupe da..hehe..da bsr nih ingt ckit..pas tu..da shopping ,mcm2..g UMT lak..waaa lg...bsr..tpi mengah lah nk jln dr blok asrama g kelas...jauh giler..syukur dpt UMP.haha...jln 5 mnt da smpai kels...sbb 2 lah kalo kels kol 8 bgn kol 7.30 x ksh..smpt je...haha..
lpk ku umt jup,pastu g myg kt msjid UDM...byk pulak u ktrong g hr nih...pastu...terjadilah 1 prbualan antr kami..

poli : jomlah g msjid kristal..huhu..

juju:aah,alang2 da smpai ganu nih jomlah g.

lida: ala,aku tataw lah jln nk g sne..

puyu: urm..

lida: xpelah,aku tnye jejek jup..

2 mnt kemudian.

lida : jejek x reply lah..tnye wafer lah...

lida : "fer........ok2...bye"

hehe..kesimpulanye,lida da taw jln nk g msjid ktorg pon g lah sne...b4 g msjid kristal,g Tmn tamadun islm lu..ala,tmpt yg ade replika masjid2 kt dunia tuh..mmg sgt cntik..exactly sme ngn yg real..hehe...meh..tgk gmbr meh..

Sunday, September 7, 2008

sweetest movie ever..

p.s. I Love sweeeet lah...hehe...citer ni psl husband die meninggal sbb brain tumor..pastu die jdik cm x terurus..pas2,evry month die akn dpt surt dr "suami" sad & sweeett..sekotak tisu hbs wt lap air mate..hahaha...malu ke org...urm...sedeyh sbb bile pat flash back pompuan nih t'ingt psl husbnd die...sume bnde yg husbnd die pnh wt kt die...n da husbnd is da most romantic husband movie lah...hehe...dgn slang2 irish hensem and charming..kui2...sory cuk..dun wory babeh, u are da most hensem n charming man in my life...hehe.. da moral of da sweet n nice 2 ur wife b4 u die...haha..kiddinglah..make sure u appreciate wat u have now b4 u losing them..


p.s : i love u cuk!!!

Friday, September 5, 2008

da chef!!

hehe..smlm adalah sejrh yg paling bermkne..haha..ktorg msk sndri utk buke msok2 jew...sdp gak..hbs licin...masak nasi goreng ngn sardin...hehe...juju tukang ptg bwg...lida pembuka botol, aku tkg msk..haha..klaka jerk..

so,jgnlah nk ingt kami ni x reti msk eyh..haha....kalo korng rase msti nk lagi...meh tengok gmbr...tpi cm b'sepah ckit..hehe..periuk nasi kck jew..2 yg t'keluar ckit nasi..periuk nasi jejek...kih2...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

selamat berpuasa sume!! nih da msok hri ke-3..

hehe..kejup je..lgi 27 hari nk raye...tpi bju raye x bli lagi...kih2...
k2...x nk ckp byk2..

cume nk wish..selamat berpuase!!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

who said engineer cannot "pantun"??haha...

festival pantun negeri pahang....hehe..msti mcm pelik kn..tetibe citer psl festival pantun..act nk citer..8/8/08 hri 2 g lah festival pntun..n i am the 2nd "pemantun"...haha...giler cuak mse smpai kt tmn budaya pahang 2..urm..nth kali ke brape g tmn budaya..last skali mse f4..dak2 canang sari maresma MRSM qtan msok festival teater..huhu..very sweet memory...rindu rsenye nk berteater g..tpi..ape nk wt..huhu..pntun je lah skrg.. pantun ktorg ade 2 laki 2 pompuan..3 org dak 1st yer n i am da only seniour...tpi ok jew...dak2 2 pon sporting n supportive...sminggu jew ktorg training tpi hslnye x menghampekan..even ktorg kalah tpi x klh terok lah..haha..yelah..lwn ngn team pn.faezah tahir..mmglah..diorng mmg adek bradek..tapi tape..len kali leyh msok g..haha...
jom..tgk gmbr..besh2!!

our first pix!!

ok..lets take a look of our 1st pic.. a pic can tell a thousand words...
hehe...i love him very much...sooo...sooo... much...and i noticed dat..we have a same smile...haha...(prasan nk lebeyh)...wat ever it is...he is the king of my heart!! my hearty2...
Kau tahu isi hatiku
Kau tahu apa yang kurindu
Kau tahu itu hanya kamu satu
Andaikan dimalam ini
Kau hadir dalam mimpiku
Kan kubawa kau melayang jauh
Menyusuri bulan
Melewati bintang
Terbang didalam angan bahagia
Biarkan hatiku, jatuh dicintamu
Biarkan hatimu, tenggelam didalam rasa
Cintaku dan cintamu
- xOxO -

Friday, June 27, 2008


urm...act..tataw nk wt title ape for my sblh ade buku scrapbooks..then ltk lah title 2...haha..i am so addicted on scrapbooking..tPi..ssh nk wt..x cukop tools..huhu...wet pon x ckop nk sshlah...evryday..berangan..nk wt mcm ni...mcm 2..tpi..wt pon x..tiap2 pg tgk martha stewart..pas2..ajar wt scrapbook..then..hr2 surf tenet crik info psl scrapbook..tapelah..t da ade byk wet..beli kerts byk2..pas2 wt scrapbook puas2..haha...soo...daaa~